English setters are first and foremost great family dogs.  They are sweet. tolerant and willing to please.  But they also love to have fun doing activities such as showing, agility, obedience, rally, hunting, therapy, hiking, swimming and nose work.  Here are some photos of our dogs enjoying a variety of activities.  FMI on getting your setter involved, please contact us. 

Naturally, bird dogs love birds.  Find info to get involved at http://www.uplandjournal.com.


Swimming  is fun, refreshing and great exercise.   Rachel was here with her dog scout troop whose web page is at http://redferncanines.com/scouts/index.html


Agility is fun for both setters and setter owners.   Start a journey at www.cleanrun.com.


Rally obedience is fun even for seniors. English setters require a positive approach to obedeince training because they have a soft nature.  A good place to start is at www.clickertraining.com.

 Therapy Dogs International tests and certifies dogs to visit hospitals and nursing homes.

 Dogs love the new sport of nose work!  Based on detection work, instructors can be found at:  http://www.funnosework.com/

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